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I Am a Church Member 11/16/15

So why am I a ‘Church Member’? Am I a church member because I was raised in the church? Am I a church member because it is the culturally and/or socially right thing to do? All of these questions, and then some, are real thoughts and feelings of most if not all, ‘church people’. In the book I Am a Church Member, by Thom S. Rainer, he explores this very topic of what it means to be a ‘Church Member’.
In Rainer’s introduction, he gives readers the distinction between two different types of church members. Michael and his family are excited about the Word and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ; while Liam, who was originally excited, has now become critical of their church and the members in leadership. The author also makes a contrast between the Builder Generation (those born before 1946) and the Millennial Generation (those born between 1980 – 2000). 2/3 of the Builder Generation are Christian while only 15% of the Millennial Generation are Christian. But whose fault is it? Is it due to our current culture? Is it due to the removal of God in our Government and society as a whole? Can we even blame the church? OR should we just take a moment, stop, and look at the man in the mirror?
My favorite quote in the introduction of the book is ‘We don’t like the hypocrite in the church but we fail to see our own hypocrisies’. So that leads me back to my initial question…why am I (You) a church member? Am I there to serve or am I there to be served? Am I there to pray or am I there to PREY? As we journey through this book together; it is my prayer that we grow together. Not only grow in numbers but grow more in Grace. Not to just become better Revelation Church Members; but better UNIVERSAL Church Members.
At the end of each blog entry, I invite you to comment and join the conversation! Feel free to leave questions, personal testimonies, and relevant scriptures pertaining to the topic.
1st Corinthians 12:27: Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

In His Service!
Rev. Zack 


Posted by Dea. Victor Valentine on November 18, 2015
Outstanding blog !!! Opening the doors to explore the multiple aspects of the Christian experience. I'm so grateful and thankful that our Ministers have the insight to take God's ministry to another level of worship. Rev. Johnson's sharing his thought provoking insight from the book " I Am A Church Member" raises many questions for us to consider. I'm excited and will tell others to join this conversation and share their thoughts. Together we will grow, discover, and hopefully become a better church member.
Posted by Twandria Rogers on November 17, 2015
For me it's very important to continually give. Why? God gave me his best, Jesus! I can't allow myself to fall by the waist side because of laziness or weariness. I have to keep on keeping on. It's easy to say...I'll take today off, I'll sit this service out and before you realize you've missed months of church services and opportunities for you to be used by God. Indeed, we must look at the man in the mirror because someone somewhere is watching our walk, talk and actions. Looking forward to reading your blog. Continue to work for the Lord’s kingdom brother.
Posted by Nina F. Johnson on November 17, 2015
Excellent topic! I have now come to the realization that being a servant is the most noble "job" there is and if Jesus could serve others, who am I that I can't do the same? We, with my self included, should not solely depend on others to do church work, but we must all shoulder the work of the church; which is outside our four walls and sometimes out of our comfort zones.
Posted by Tammy Smith on November 17, 2015
Good morning Rev. Zack, I remember growing up and being told that I had to go to church, and not only was I made to go to church; but I had to join auxiliaries such as the Red Circle/YWA, Choir, plus go to Sunday school, and BTU. Back then church was an all-day things that I frowned on. It wasn’t until the last past 15 years that I realized what being a church member met. I am grateful to God that he gave his only Son for my sins and the least I can do is serve him by being a willing servant within my church and where ever I go. I am now willing to serve and do some of the things my mother made me do as a child within the church. I thank God and my mother for making sure that the foundation was laid and it’s now up to me to build upon it.
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