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Meeting Topics Highlights

Do The Right Thing!

Do The Right Thing! Ishiah 3: 10-12 Although wickedness is all around, if you stand and do what’s right, God will take care of you. 1. Big Trouble for the Wicked • God is patient, but there will be a judgment • He warns us and gives us many chances • Sometimes the wicked seem to be doing better, but the evil they do shall come back to them 2. God’s Word To The Righteous • It shall be well with you • Do good and goodness shall follow you • All things work for their good – God shall reward them 3. What will you do when …… and why? • You are offered drugs in school • A friend have a problem with stealing • Friends are engaged in bullying and tease you for not joining them

Are You Down With Jesus?

Are You Down With Jesus? Luke 24: 30-32 Get in fellowship with Jesus – develop a strong bond – learn to communicate 1. Don’t have to look over your shoulder • Brings peace and comfort • With God all things are possible 2. Changes your life • Lasting change that others will see • To be a Christian is to be Christ like • What do other people say about you? 3. Increases your understanding of him • Warms our heart • Jesus leads by example • The scriptures become alive • He is the living word 4. Compare your relationship with God to that of your best friend • How often do you talk to your best friend; how often to God? • How often do you take your best friend with you when you go out; how often do you leave Jesus at home? • God’s Word is His bond; what about your word – can you be trusted to do what you say you will?

Don't Miss Your Exit!

Don’t Miss Your Exit! What is temptation? • The act of tempting; enticement or allurement We are tempted by different things: Bitterness Drugs Drunkenness Adultery Fornication Gambling Violence Cheating Cussing Peer Pressure Gossip Lying Money Pornography God Will Help! (I Corinthians 10:13) No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. • Jesus encountered human suffering • The Lord identifies with our suffering • Jesus has power to change our lives Temptation Today  Sin Tomorrow  Habit  Death & Separation From God

Don't Do It! (Mobile Bay Area - Partnership for Youth)

"So you were stopped for a traffic violation and were discovered in possession of pot. And you received a suspended sentence. Do you think that is the end of it? "NOT QUITE" You also lost your right to vote, to own a gun or to run for public office. You lost th eopportunity of EVER becoming a doctor,dentist, certified public accountant, engineer, lawyer, architect, realtor, osteopath, pharmacist, school teacher, barber, or a stockbroker. You can't EVER hold a job where you must be licensed or bonded and you can NEVER work for the city, the county, or the Federal government. You can't be admitted to West Point, Annapolis, or the Air Foce Academy; but you CAN enlist in the mility service ...and be assigned to a labor battallon. "You, take it from some guys with a lot of mileage behind them: To you -- with a lot of mileage still ahead of you -- it just isn't worth it! DON'T DO IT!!! Mobile Bay Area Partnership for Yourth

How To Handle Peer Pressure (Mobile Bay Area - Partnership for Youth)

"Negative peer pressure" happens when friends or acquaintances encourage you to do something that is wrong or dangerous. Examples of negative peer pressure include involvement in alcohol and other drug use, school truancy, shoplifting, and gang activity. You can learn how to reverse the peer pressure -- how to say "NO" and still have friends, be popular, and be respected for thinking for yourself. Use the following three - spep plan to get out of "pressure situations." 1) CHECK OUT THE SCENE -- look and listen to the situation -- ask yourself, "Is this trouble?" 2) MAKE A GOOD DECISION -- weigh both sides -- decide: STOP or GO? 3) ACT TO AVOID TROUBLE -- WHAT TO SAY: * Just say "NO" * Leave the scene * Ignore the pressure * Make an excuse * Change the subject * Make a joke * Act shocked * Use flattery * Have a better idea * Return the challenge -- HOW TO SAY IT: * Stand tall * Look confident * Maintain eye contact * Be in control Adapted from How to Say No and Keep Your Friends, by Sharon Scott Mobile Bay Area - Patnership for Yourth

Teen Violence and Gangs

1) Teen violence ending in homicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers. 2) Teen homicide is the leading cause of death among African-American teens. 3) An average of 15 young people is killed every day, usually with firearms, and 750,000 young people are treated in emergency rooms for violence related injuries every year. 4) A recent CDC study of high school students found that 33 percent had been in a physical fight in the last year and 17 percent reported that they had taken a weapon to school in the previous 30 days. 5) 15 to 25 percent of youth experience bullying each year. Questions / Discussion: 1) Do you ever feel afraid of violence in school? 2) Have you ever heard about gangs or weapons on campus? 3) What does the school do to prevent bullying? 4) If you ever heard something alarming (rumors about a school shooting, dating violence, a predatory teacher) would you know whom to tell, and do you feel you could safely report it?

Problem Gambling Warning Signs

Gambling among young people is on the increase: 42 percent of 14-year-olds, 49 percent of 15-year-olds, 63 percent of 16-year-olds, 76 percent of 18-year-olds. People who suspect a gambling problem in themselves, a friend, or a family member may recognize the following warning signs: • Increasing preoccupation with gambling • Use of gambling as a way to escape problems or relieve depression� • Inability to stop playing regardless of winning or losing, and despite constant vows to abstain • Restlessness or irritability when attempting to cut down or stop gambling • Use of alcohol, sleep, or drugs to escape • Lying to family members or others to hide the amount of gambling • Impatience with family or friends • Relying on others for money to relieve a financial problem that arose due to gambling (legal and illegal sources) • Absenteeism and tardiness at work • Neglect of responsibility • Losing or jeopardizing an important relationship due to gambling • Wide mood swings • Belief when winning that it will not stop • Gambling another day to win back money lost gambling

Stand Up For What You Believe  

Weigh the costs – keeping your convictions versus losing your credibility.  What are Convictions?  What is credibility?  When was the last time someone asked you about your relationship with Jesus Christ?  When was the last time you stood up for the truth or what was right, even when it was unpopular?  Think about occasions when you proclaimed the Gospel to an unbeliever.  Were you nervous?  What did you say?  Were you successful?  Why or why not?  

Proverbs 3:25, 26  Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
26 for the Lord will be at your side and  will keep your foot from being snared. 

Isaiah 40:29-31  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.