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 Performing (Jan - May)

* Mission Activities * Interest Activities * Meeting Topics * Speakers * Sport Program

Adjourning (May - Jun)

* Celebration * Improvement Assessment

Vacation (Jun - Aug)

* Same break as Youth Bible Class mid-May to mid-Sept * Church Holiday Schedule * Spring Break * Thanksgiving Week * Christmas Week

Forming (Sept)

* Elect Officers * Group Event * Review Goals & Objectives

Storming (Oct)

* Team Building * Reveiw Roles & Responsibilities

Norming (Nov - Dec)

* Sports Program * Planning * Parent Meeting

Couinselor / Advisors Assignments

1) Feature Topic Discussions in meetings – Rev. Rufus Young 2) Coordination of inviting special outside speakers (perhaps once per quarter, for example) – Dea. Chief Lawrence Battiste IV 3) Advisor to Interest Activities (Help Interest Activity Leader to focus and organize activities, many of which are sports related) – Coach Vincent Royals 4) Advisor to Mission Activities (Help Mission Activity Leader to focus and organize activities and participation) – Bro. Ricky Whittiker 5) Counselor - Supplement Advisors as needed, focus on training needs of Officers and Royal Ambassador Members to support planned mission projects, boosting membership and encouraging overall participation in the group - Dea. Johnny P. Kennedy